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About WtERT


The Waste-to-Energy Research and Technology Council (WTERT) was founded in 2002 as part of the Earth Engineering Center of Columbia University in New York, U.S.A and the Energy Recovery Council, the U.S. association of waste to energy companies in the U.S.

The Earth Engineering Center (EEC) is member of Columbia University’s Earth Institute. EEC brings together engineers, economists and political scientists to develop solutions to major environmental problems.

Over the years, universities and organizations in several other countries created WtERT organizations which are now members of the Global WtERT Council, Inc. (GWC). .


Our mission is to:


  • identify the best available technologies for the recovery of materials and energy from urban and other residues of human activity

  • conduct research and development as required, and

  • disseminate this information by means of its publications, the web, and periodic meetings.

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